Deliver Through Action & Get Results Through Leadership
ORB Project Management

Value Engineering & Management

Value engineering and management in construction embodies focusing on space, elements and components to provide the lowest cost and specified quality.

It is the process of making explicit functional benefits of a project and appraising those benefits against a value system determined by the client to ensure that the project achieves strategic fit with the core business of the client.

ORB Project Management facilitate structured workshops to help in the identification and definition of the project and the involvement of relevant stakeholders.

We implement the stages of outline process, project value systems (ie time, cost and quality), strategic and project function analysis, options appraisal and innovation, deliverable and team dynamics and facilitation.



Considerable savings can often be made on building engineering service design and installations. Our approach is not always about reducing the CAPEX.

The OPEX budget is equally important when systems are assessed on a ‘whole of life’ basis.

Our team can:

  • Identify, benchmark, enhancement and abnormal costs
  • Identify and evaluate alternate design solutions
  • Identify whole of life cycle value solutions

We work within the financial limits of the project to address the need for sustainable design. At any stage, we can confirm that both the consultant’s brief and engineers’ specifications and drawings meet the client’s requirements and expectations.

flexibility &


We review contractor proposals on the same basis and ensure they also meet industry standards and criteria for flexibility and maintenance.

At all times, our approach aims to minimise risk for our clients.

Apart from providing a full system of budget estimating and cost planning, as quantity surveyors we can assist the architect with comparative costs for alternative systems of construction or finishings.

This may involve, for example, comparing different plan shapes in terms of cost, or external cladding.

As quantity surveyors, we can also advise on the total cost implications of particular methods of construction.

ORB Project Management

Providing efficient, reliable and sustainable project management services for construction across NZ.

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